Our Privacy Policy Outlines The Following Details:

Information Collection:
We collect personal information like name, address, and payment details for order processing. Non-personal information, such as browsing history and preferences, is also gathered for site improvement.

Usage of Information:
Personal data is used for order fulfillment, shipping, and customer support. Non-personal data helps us enhance user experience and optimize our website.

Data Security:
We prioritize the security of your information, employing encryption and secure protocols for data transmission and storage.

Third-Party Sharing:
Your personal information is not shared with third parties, except for essential services like payment processing and shipping.

Opt-Out and Access:
Users can opt-out of promotional communications and access, update, or delete their personal information upon request.

We use cookies for a better browsing experience, and users can manage cookie preferences through their browser settings.

Legal Compliance:
We comply with applicable privacy laws and regulations, ensuring the protection of your rights and data.

By using our website, you agree to the terms outlined in this privacy policy. For more details, please review the full privacy policy document


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